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Good day, it is 21. 11. 2024, Thursday in 47. week.
Bitame Lucia
Mrs. Bitame Lucia is one of the Founding Directors of CAPEC, a professional teacher for close to 30 years who is dedicating her life in assisting children in rural community get basic education. With her little salaries she gets from the government, she is assisting more than 60 children in different villages in the South West Province of Cameroon. She is also an Author and has written several books for primary and secondary school which have appeared on the National Booklist in Cameroon.
Managers: Ajomuzu Collette Bekaku, Bitame Lucia
Neighbours: Frantisek Korbel - webmaster
Partners: Partners; CAPEC, Nabuur, Develop Africa
Geography: Cameroon, Yaoundé
Statistics: Web statistics Visits in 2009: January, February, March, April, May, June, July
Volunteers: Adam Zahn, Alfredo Molinas, Axel Martensen, Caroline Lafin, Indre M Lampsatis, Jamie Dovedoff, Joshua Feldman, Jutta Geiger, Maria Touze, Max Strotschenke, Michael Clausen, Nanna Muus Steffensen, Niclas Jadberg, Sylvester Renner, Ted Cunningham
Other: Advice, Arithmetics training, Contact, Donation, Good heart, National Youth Day 2014, Periodic table